Jennifer never says no to ice cream, especially if it's the new Farmers flavours and it's free!
Brian Mumford getting tips on how to ride a steer from Skip, out good buddy and main ring announcer
Brian Mumford getting tips on how to ride a steer from Skip, out good buddy and main ring announcer
Amanda Misner and her husband Trevor getting into the ice cream bars
Here's the story. I went to the big horse barns to look for my buddies Peter Pinch and Jeff Fiske and ran across this guy. He said, "So you're Jerry Neville, I really like that girl." That girl is Amanda Misner and she is sitting with her new best friend George Hebb!
Here's the story. I went to the big horse barns to look for my buddies Peter Pinch and Jeff Fiske and ran across this guy. He said, "So you're Jerry Neville, I really like that girl." That girl is Amanda Misner and she is sitting with her new best friend George Hebb!
A gang of misfits for sure! Footie, Ed, Nick, Kim and Brandon
Don't call him chicken, he's a rooster!
Until today I had no idea you can cut a cows hair! Seriously!
What kind of Ex would it be without great food!
Little Horsey!
I am really bad at carnival games, but Jen Seems to win every time!
I am really bad at carnival games, but Jen Seems to win every time!
That's just not a pig, it's a smoker from H.E.A.T. Pretty cool!
Footie, Amanda Milne and Hunter handing out free juice
Footie, Amanda Milne and Hunter handing out free juice
All the toys on the midway!
Lots o' rides too!
My Buddy Jeff Fiske. We used to work together at Eastlink together, now he is still there and I am at AVR!
AVR News Hound Brian Mumford and his 1.3 second ride! He has more guts than me because I said no way would I do it! Sorry about how dark it is, my camera doesn't do well in low light conditions.
Exhibition Idol tonight, Stampeders tomorrow and Shane Yellowbird Saturday. Not to mention I am in the farmer's challenge, and after 4-H people meet me, why do they laugh when I say I am in the farmer's challenge?
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