Monday, December 6, 2010


OK, I thought I was being smart by going to the B and V U-Pick Christmas tree lot, then I had to cut down my own tree. Apparently there is something different between U-Pick and I-Pick and U-Cut. I just didn't get it, but it was a lot of fun! As a matter of fact, check out this video of Me and AVR's Jen Pick getting my tree.

Here it is on the back of her Jeep.

If you are wondering why I am shooting from the floor in the video, it's because I was almost passed out from getting the tree in the stand and straight! The dog came over and sniffed to see if I was still alive...

...but it was a case of 'the one who smelled it, dealt it.'

I am not afraid to tell anyone I am not good with heights. I can't even climb up this ladder to get the lights up. Jen had to go up the ladder, I held it bellow...just not when I was taking this picture. As soon as I took this pic she was yelling, "now get back here and hold this **** ladder!"

Here's the finished product, and well worth the time and effort. Later this week I'm going to try to build a gingerbread house...yeah I know...I'll have pictures!


I went to the Caanan Mtn Community Hall on Saturday for the Christmas Pot Luck, and just like last year it was good eatin'. I always seem to miss Santa's visit (I was in the bathroom and the stall got locked and suffice it to say I had to climb over a wall, but that's another story) but I did have someone taking pics for me. This guy was challenging Santa to a beer belly contest.

She wanted Santa's gifts, but didn't want anything to do with Santa.

Santa was handing out all kinds of gifts.

There were people there from 1 year old to 90 years old and they all had fun!

This young fella was telling Santa what he wants for Christmas.

I get to Digby about 4-5 times a year, and one of those times is always the Christmas Daddies. Last year was my first year, and it's really as a host a fly by the seat of my pants kinda affair. They do raise a ton of money, and it is community. Here's the opening.

Before we went to the Legion for the show, we stopped in for breakfast.

I had the strawberry waffles with real whipped cream. I also met the owner Cindy, and she was very friendly.

An hour before show time people are just getting ready for air.

My good friend Brian Lynch operating a 40 channel Mackie board that will be installed in their new production truck.

Volunteers on the cameras for the Digby School Band.

Just some of the excellent auction items.

Evie and me on the anchor desk.

The Christmas tree was surrounded by gifts for children.

Mark Blenkhorn, no he is not injured, this is his cool pose. Where's the rest of your rap friends now?

There were times you couldn't find a seat at the Legion hall in Digby.

She's the birthday lady from Digby Co., Triple Threat Trivia Champ, and the biggest fan of the AVR Morning Show. It's Terri Titus orgionally from Ashmore!

Except 2 trips to the bathroom, this is what I saw for 3 hours! It sure was wild though.

This is Evan my buddy from Digby. He and I talk every morning on my Facebook chat. You can join me on Facebook, just add me as a friend and check out my page.


Now since Hunter, Jen, Misfit wanna be Tyler and I went to the dancing lights in Nictaux I have been on the look out for some cool lights. I know Barry Verge has some lights on his lawn, so I stopped in just off the #1
in Coldbrook.

Here's Barry here. We stood outside for about 20 minutes talking about lights. You can see my house all lit up on the very top of this blog.

This doesn't do it justice, but when he is finished inside as well, he is going to invite me back for a private tour of inside and outside.

Here are just some of the inflatables on his lawn.

Here's a house I found on may way home, in the middle of no where.

Here's their nextdoor neighbour.

Lenny is filling in for me, and I'll be back on Wednesday. I'm going shopping, and I want to get it all done today so I don't have to go out when it's busy.


1 comment:

  1. its amazing how someone can be so nice for radio and such an xxxhole in real life. i have never met a more rude little man as barry verge. i hope you will get the chance to see the real him sometime
