Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Acadia is playing Dal tonight in hockey at Acadia. You can join me live at the Acadia Arena for all kinds of prizes including the Cora's Power Play, the Burger King Whooper Wave of Winning, Canadian Tire Lucky Puck, Par-T-Perfect Fan of the game, and the Chronicle Herald Wave of Winning. I'm lucky to see 10 minutes of the game! If there were only replay screens I could actually see the highlights. I hope EastLink comes back soon to cover another game! Here are some random pics I found when cleaning out my camera folder and I can't remember if I used them or not so enjoy them for the first time...or maybe the second time.

People ask me all the time about Jimmy the Janitor, and not only are we friends outside of the radio biz, we relate on some sort of mental level. My father was from Cape Breton, my mother is from Newfoundland, which mean's I'm some kind of freak of nature! He really is a nice guy and he looks just like his CD cover too!

This is Jen and her mom with Jimmy. Jen's mom is a real big Jimmy fan, so it was nice for her not just to see him after the show for this picture, but we got to spend a half an hour with him before his show just talking and havin' a time.

I put these next couple up because I have been honored by 14 Wing to announce their hockey game to start the Winter Carnival 2010. My family has been involved in the winter carnival at 14 Wing since I was 19 years old, so 21 years now. Let's see how old you are with 14 Wing trivia! I started going to the Winter Carnival when the base pool was the Club Capri
(Jr. Ranks mess), the Zedex theater was the WO/Sgts mess, and the Annapolis Mess was the Officer's club! I was there when they announced they were going to look at constructing the Annapolis Mess! This is from last years game.

I can't go anywhere without opening my big mouth!

Here's when I was at Fritz's New Minas raising money for one of the many charities AVR supports!

This is the first time Hunter and I met Andrew Johnson's Ricky Bobby, and this would be over a year and a half ago. I was working at the Windsor station CFAB 1450 am, and Jen called me from the Kentville studio and told me this story. She walked out into the back parking lot with a couple of other people and they saw something running around. Jen being the valley girl she is had to go find out and out pops this ferret. She picks him up and brings him in the station and Sales Manager Andrew Johnson comes over and says, "Ricky Bobby?" Picks up the ferret and says, "Smells like Ricky Bobby!" Apparently he had gotten out at Andrew's house and crawled on to his truck and held on from Port Williams to Kentville! He's been an inside joke ever since, and we were happy to share a bit of us with you on ground hog day!

Me being tough in army gear...with a giant teddy bear behind me! "Grrrr, me and teddy are coming to getcha...after I put down this pop and chocolate bar, and oh this bag of chips in my pocket..."

If you ever see a tank coming down your street with me and Hunter Brule on and run really fast! We will have no idea what we we would be doing! It took us 15 minutes to get up on the darn tank!

This is a very nice collection of photos, I especially like Hunter pointing at Hunter!

Hunter and Weezie switched places while my eyes were closed, and that's the only way I could explain this picture!
On tomorrow's show, I will have 2 of the organizers of the Kentville for Haiti concert coming up Feb. 19th at the Kentville Fire Hall, plus Hunter and I find out how to take care of our cars with OK Tires Windsor, plus give aways, and at least one dance around the breakfast table!

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