Ground Hog day is coming up and since we here at AVR don't have an actual ground hog to make our weather prediction, we have enlisted the services of Ricky Bobby the Ferret, and if he comes out of his hole wearing a snuggy, more winter for us, if he comes out in a Speedo from the Swimwear Hut, then it's an early thaw. Listen Feb 2nd to find out our fate!
The is Shubie Sam, and he will give us the Official report on ground hog day from the Shubie Wildlife Park.
Jen and I rented the DVD Julie and Julia, defiantly recommened by the way, and we started our search for Julia Child's cookbooks Mastering the Art of French Cooking. We couldn't find them anywhere, so I mentioned it on air Monday and Sharron Spidle called and said she had a copy that she wanted to get rid of, so we went to her house to pick them up with an AVR t-shirt in hand. Thanks Sharron, and I have a feeling we'll meet again when we drop off some yummy pastries to you!
Yesterday was Family Literacy day, so I asked the AVRSB is I could read in one of their schools. Margo Tait chose Aldershot School, so off I went to read. I am actually going back to show them how to do a radio show, it will be very interesting I am sure.
Mike Landry from Kentville Mazda and I have struck up this very cool friendship, and he invited me out to his latest fund raiser, and as per usual it was at my expense. He coaches the CK Gators hockey team and was going to donate $100 for every player on his team that hit me in the head with a puck while I tended nets. Here is Mike Landry, me and Chris Alguire that hit me with a puck to donate $100 to Haiti relief.
He said my head was so big he couldn't miss!
Check out the videos, I hope I got them in the right order, but needless to say, I sweat about 10 pounds off yesterday! My hands still smell like those gloves and it wasn't pretty!
Check out the videos, I hope I got them in the right order, but needless to say, I sweat about 10 pounds off yesterday! My hands still smell like those gloves and it wasn't pretty!
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