Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Breakfast on the road at Meadowbrook Meat Market

When I set a goal, I usually achieve it, but this morning I set my goals too high. I wanted to eat a half dozen sausages at Meadowbrook Meat Market while I was there with an AVR Morning Show on the road. I ate 4 and 5 pancakes, actually I used the pancakes as sausage bun and ate them like that dipped in local maple syrup. Jim is a great giver to the community, and all the proceeds of the breakfast will go to Camp Brigadoon. Thanks to Jim, Margie and the crew from the Wild Hogs of Meadowbrook for a great time, and some of the best tasting meat around!

Jim was making sure everyone had enough to eat.

It pays to listen to the AVR Morning Show, she just won one of 5 $20 gift cards I gave away. On site I gave away 5 Jessie Farrel CD's (they aren't even in record stores yet), 5 AVR t-shirts, 2 tickets to the rodeo, 2 tickets to the Ex in Halifax, 10 Meadowbook ball caps, and I think a kitchen sink, but I'm not sure!

This is Margie Lamb and the Breakfast crew. Margie would like to tell you that the hair net fashion is coming back in for this fall, and you can order her special limited edition of the Meadowbook net. She said something about Vogue magazine, but I hope she was joking!

If there was a community breakfast I'll tell you Bobby Best would be there. 2 reasons, one good food cheap, and he is a big community supporter.

I forgot my camera, so i had to use my phone, and I came across this pic of Dwight Dion from a couple years back, thought I would share it with you. Tomorrow I am at Rafuse Home Hardware Building center in Wolfville, here's a hint, if you use pellets for heat, you are going to want to be there!

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